Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Cucumber – Twentieth Edition

Modified Disclaimer: The story you are reading is NOT true. Do NOT take it seriously. This article is purely for laughs and warm fuzzy fifth anniversary feelings, nothing more.

Girls’ Generation Members Discuss Their Healthy Lifestyle

The members of Girls’ Generation were recently asked about their lifestyle habits and what they do to remain healthy during their busy schedules. Hyoyeon said, “It might be surprising to people since it often appears that we don’t have much time to eat or sleep properly, but we don’t often get sick.”
Taeyeon elaborated by saying, “We are all very diligent with how we take care of ourselves. We know that maintaining our health is the most important thing.” Yoona then said, “We’ve often joked about this publicly, but Seohyun does a lot to remind us to eat well and keep a good routine for our health.”
Sunny added, “Our company also makes sure we regularly see the best doctors. There have been some really amazing advances in medical science, so that combined with our good eating and sleeping habits means that we plan on living for a long time.” Sooyoung finished the conversation by saying, “The last time I went to the doctor for a checkup, he estimated that I’m going to live until I’m at least 500 years old.
When the Girls’ Generation members were asked about how unreasonable it is for them to expect to live past 500 years old, Seohyun said, “If we avoid eating hamburgers, it’ll be easy for us to endure together for 500 years.”

 Author’s note: Happy fifth anniversary, Girls’ Generation!

Modified Disclaimer: The story you are reading is NOT true. Do NOT take it seriously. This article is purely for laughs and warm fuzzy fifth anniversary feelings, nothing more.

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