Tiffany, who would spit out the words “extremely” or “diligently” after every other word, gives off a positive energy like an aura. There are some things you can realize by just looking at her. Unseen efforts could also be seen behind her bright face. With just a few days until her birthday, the shooting time spent with Tiffany, who was chosen as this season’s “Bean Pole” accessory muse, as expected, was a delight.
1st Look: First, I’m curious about what you’ve been up to lately.
Tiffany: While promoting as ‘Girls’ Generation-TTS’ during the beginning of the year, I prepared for our newly released Japanese single album, ‘PAPARAZZI’. Now that our Japanese promotions have resumed, I’ve been going to and from Korea and Japan.
1st Look: Your birthday is on August 1st. Happy early birthday. What have you done on your past birthdays?
Tiffany: That’s right. Thank you. A few days after my birthday, it will be Girls’ Generation’s 5th anniversary. Because my birthday has always been in the same month as our anniversary, it is usually the most grand and showy amongst the members. The fans give me a lot of presents too. (laugh) While doing all our work according to schedule, I’ve been going to eat yummy foods and playing with my members lately. I want to spend this year’s [birthday] a little more specially, so please recommend some good ideas.

1st Look: Today’s photoshoot was conducted with a ‘lovely’ and ‘dandy’ concept, but I heard that you decided on the styling concept yourself.
Tiffany: During a meeting with Girls’ Generation’s head stylist, Seo Sookyung, this was the last concept that came up. I thought it would be fun to show a sexy yet lovely, girlish look, along with a cute, boyish feel and mannish look. I actually had a bob [haircut] when we first debuted. I received a lot of love for my epicene charms during that time. I wanted to show people a side of me through this photoshoot that I haven’t been able to show.
1st Look: In the photoshoot, you experienced various styles that you wouldn’t normally come across. It was an area of work different from when you take the stage as a Girls’ Generation member. What type of attitude did you have going into this?
Tiffany: Um… It wasn’t too different. Even when preparing for a performance, I’m the type that checks everything in detail, from one to ten. Along with the makeup and hair, I also check the outfit’s details and material. Getting on stage up until now has given me a lot of practice. Now, time has passed and I am able to digest mature concepts too, so I’ve become able to work things out in a more fun way. And so, this time is fun and very enjoyable.

1st Look: I heard that you took full part in the styling for Girls’ Generation – TTS’s album, which promotions recently ended for (the red hair in the ‘Twinkle’ music video was also known to have been chosen by recalling Nicole Kidman in the movie ‘Moulin Rouge’).
Tiffany: After my bob [hairstyle] from our debut, I’ve done various hairstyles, going from blonde to orange hair. I heard that red hair is hard for an Asian person to pull off, but it looked very appealing on Nicole Kidman and Emma Stone. That’s why I suggested it, and I think it turned out well, fortunately. (laugh)
1st Look: Do you have a lot of interest in fashion, too?
Tiffany: I didn’t know until now, but fashion had become a part of my daily life. When I look now at photos of my mom, dad, aunt, and clothes they wear, their [fashion] sense is unique. I think I’ve gotten a lot of influence, especially from my mom. Since I was little, she would always tell me this is pretty or that is pretty and would pick things for me. Even with a pink color, she would tell me the differences in shades, so I’ve always been familiar. I think of those things matter-of-factly.
1st Look: Do you usually like carrying bags around?
Tiffany: Simply put, bags are family. Because bags carry my life around, I consider them extremely precious.
1st Look: Did you like the bags you used in today’s shoot?
Tiffany: (pointing at the pink bag) Hot pink! I recommend this one. It’s because I like pink so much. I think vivid colored bags will gain popularity this fall. I carried a pretty, orange bag today.
1st Look: What do you usually carry in your purse?
Tiffany: Because the shoot wasn’t going to be so long today, I didn’t bring a lot of things, but first, I brought my wallet and diary. Whenever I have time, I always plan something. Whether I go to receive treatment or to exercise. I write a lot too. (while opening and showing her diary) I organize outfit concepts and write songs I want to perform on stage too.
1st Look: Introduce items in your purse.
Tiffany: I write in my diary with various colored pens. And perfume! When my mood settles or when I want to feel strength, I spray it. My hair tie is even pink. I have glasses too. I wear glasses when I go out in the morning. And I carry powder and lip tint, as every girl usually does. Depending on my outfit, I carry either a red or pink [lip tint]. If you want to look pretty, you must use perfume and lip tint. (laugh) I usually read books and carry games around, but I didn’t bring any with me today. Oh, and a MP3 player. I always listen to it while getting ready.

1st Look: What song have you been listening to a lot lately?
Tiffany: I’ve been into electronic a lot, so I’ve been listening to it a lot. I went to Wonder Girls’ concert recently and have been listening to all the songs on their album. Personally, I really like their music a lot. I don’t know why, but I’ve been getting into Ne-Yo again lately. I think I listen to him a lot more because it’s [his music] between electronic and R&B. I recommend it. (laugh)
1st Look: When you really don’t have any schedules, what do you do?
Tiffany: After promotions for Girls’ Generation – TTS ended, I’ve been having those kind of days(Translator’s note: days without any schedules). There honestly isn’t anything for me to do. So on days I rest, I just go for ‘treatments’. I go to the dermatologist and receive hair treatments. I think skin and hair are essential for a woman. I would go home if we don’t have schedules for long periods of time, but because I only get [free] time occasionally, I invest all my time in self-treatment.
1st Look: You’re receiving love from numerous people amongst the general public, but are there times where you wish you lived a regular life like other girls your age?
Tiffany: (after thinking) Of course I want to do that. I also feel that it’d be nice if I could go around comfortably and that shopping and going out to eat would be my own personal time. However, this is the job I chose, and as much as I want to do those things, my current work is valuable. And so I try to be more responsible and show a good example, and I am enjoying it. I mean this life itself .

1st Look: In a different interview prior to this, I saw you say, ‘It feels like launching a Tiffany brand within a Girls’ Generation brand.’ It made me nod my head. Along with Girls’ Generation’s future, I think there is a future that Tiffany dreams of herself.
Tiffany: Even when I think about it, my dream is pretty big. (laugh) While fulfilling dreams as a Girls’ Generation member, I want to show more musical aspects as Tiffany, and also want to attempt drama or musical roles if they suit me. And fashion! I hope I can express the fashion I love as much as I want, enthusiastically.
I remember the first moment Girls’ Generation was stamped in my mind. On the opposite side of Shinsa-dong Street, there was a bus stop on a wide street. It was when they were gaining a great amount of popularity through ‘Gee’ and ‘Tell Me Your Wish’ like a social phenomenon. Appealing posters of the girls wearing white, short-sleeved t-shirts and tight fitting jeans were stuck closely together at the bus stop. Right when the sun was setting, the light bouncing off the posters on the bus stop looked like a product installed by a magician. Those girls are now standing at the peak of ‘Hallyu’. They have fans, not only in Korea, but all over the world. Amongst them, short-haired girl Tiffany came to Korea alone when she was in middle school. She debuted when she was the age of a high school student and has now become a woman in her 20′s. With her trademark loveable eye smile, she has matured enough to be able to show the image of a dandy woman, which she didn’t have a chance to show before. Tiffany has now grown to the point where she can express herself alone.